Tuesday, August 19, 2008

So Many Blogs, So Little Time...

Hi there! I'm sitting at gymnastics now, hoping to send out the Whimzee's newsletter before my battery runs out...we'll see! I just started the new blog for the store. Twila & I are so excited to get it started & hear what everyone has to say and what ideas they have to share. While I was working the other day, a very nice customer came in & shared a ton of blog addresses with me. It's so fun to check them all out. There's one drawback though, I just can't stop! The last few nights I've been up way too late watching the Olympics & surfing the net. I do want to share a couple blog's though. Ali Edwards's is the essential scrapbookers blog, don't miss it! http://aliedwards.typepad.com/ (Ali's got awesome ideas, writes great books & loves Twila's favorite adhesive...)

Also check out this one, Nichole Heady is the Designer & a co-owner of Papertrey Ink, her blog is full of ideas (for both scrapbooks & cards). In this entry, she uses the Adirondack Acrylic Paint Daubers we have in the store to create a mini-album. I was excited to see this one since I wasn't sure how to use the Daubers.


PS- I got kicked off the wifi at the gym, my battery was down to 14% & I was typing while holding a squirming Jake in one hand...so I figured these were all signs that I should finish this at home! :)

Monday, August 11, 2008

My Latest Experiment in Papercrafting

I wanted to share my latest project with you. I created this clock from a Colorbok kit I purchased a while ago at Tuesday Morning. I wasn't too excited about the papers that came with it. They were very old fashioned and not too colorful. So I looked through my huge collection of scrapbooking papers and came up with this Anna Griffin print. It looked nice and seemed perfect for my mom's sewing room. I gave the clock to her as a birthday present last weekend. She loved it! Instead of the one photo shown in the sample, I used two photos, one of my kids and one of my nephew. It will be nice for her to be able to look at it & see all of her grandchildren. The kit came with the clock and its parts and also the ribbon, rub ons and embellishments. I was especially happy with how the photos turned out. I am a beginner using Photoshop, but after a few hours I figured it out. I finally got the result I was looking for, aged, with a canvas like texture. Now I can't wait for another chance to try out what I learned on this project.

Great Vacation!

Our beach vacation was wonderful! The weather was very nice which is great for the Oregon Coast! We stayed at the Surfsand Resort in Cannon Beach. I think it's the very best place to stay at the coast, with children anyway. Without your kids, do try to stay at the Stephanie Inn in Cannon Beach. The Stephanie is owned by the same company as the Surfsand and it's a great place to spend a special weekend, like your anniversary. But now that we have kids, we've moved to the Surfsand for our beach getaways. In addition to being a great place for kids, they take dogs. So if you've got a pooch who loves to swim in the ocean this is your place! Delaney calls it "our beach." She found 5 sand dollars this trip and was so excited. We've never been able to find any in Cannon Beach before. I've got a bunch of pictures on my parenting blog at http://www.pregnancyplanet.net/community/blogs/posts/LaneynJakesMom

In case you want to check them out, here are the links for the Surfsand and the Stephanie Inn.


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